We know creating great personalized themes for your In-App messages takes time, so we want to make sure you don't bother creating the same theme over and over on each one of your apps.
First, go to Settings > Themes. Here is your usual overview of the available themes for the app, search and filter for smooth navigation within your themes.
Using themes from other apps
If you have created themes on one app and you want to use them for other apps, then you can attach a theme.
To the right of the "New Theme" button, you can easily browse the themes of your other apps so you will be able to select and attach them to the app you have currently selected. This way, these themes created on another app will be available on the app you’re in.
By clicking on the three dots at the top right of a theme, you are able to:
Edit a theme. If you edit a theme, the changes are applied to all applications to which the theme is attached, however, the edition is blocked when a running campaign is using this theme.
Replicate a theme. To create a copy of the existing theme. This is especially useful to create a new theme using the characteristics of an existing one and be able to make changes without creating it again from scratch.
Cleaning your themes
If there are themes you will not use anymore, you have two options:
"Detach" in order to remove the theme from the app you are on. This theme will however still be present in the themes lists of your other apps.
"Delete" to remove the theme permanently. This theme will be deleted on all your apps.