How to create your first web push campaign on the dashboard?Need help creating your first web push campaign? Here are all the steps you need to take to send a notification to your users' browser.
What is the best image size for my push notification?Need help setting up your first push campaign with an image? Here is all the information you need to know (format, size, and more).
Push campaigns / In-App automations glossaryYou will find here the definition of all the words you need to know to create your first push campaign / In-App automation.
How to create your first push notification campaign on the dashboard?Need help creating your first push campaign? Here are all the steps you need to follow.
How can I A/B test a push campaign?Use the A/B test feature to try two different wordings, images, and deeplinks, and optimize your open rates.
How to add a mobile landing to my push campaign?Everything you must know to create a Mobile Landing (a landing page associated with your campaign) and use it in your mobile strategy.
What does "Default Language" mean in my campaign?Push in many languages and select a default language for fallback.
How can I send a test push notification on iOS?You can add a test device and target it from the dashboard to ensure your notification is displayed correctly.
How can I attach an image to a web push notification?Adding an image to your push campaign has many great benefits, here's how you can do it on web push.
How can I send a test push notification on Android?You can add a test device and target it from the dashboard to ensure your notification is displayed correctly.
How can I send a test to several devices at once?Here is how you can send a test to many people at the same time.
How can I send a test notification to my web browser?You can add a test device and target it from the dashboard to ensure your notification is displayed correctly.
How can I attach an image, an audio, a GIF or a video to a push notification?You can easily add an attachment to your push notification from the dashboard. Each OS supports different types of attachments.
Adding emojis to push notificationsYou can easily add emojis emoticons to your In-App messages or the title/body of your push notifications (iOS / Android / Windows, Web).
How can I add a notification badge to my app icon?Notifications badges are handy to let your users know they have an unread push notification.
How can I direct users to a page on my app?Batch lets you send a push notification with a deeplink. Deeplink is a good way to direct your users in your application.
Why cannot I save or send my push campaign/In-App automation?There are several points you should check if the "Send", "Update" or "Save as a Draft" button is greyed.
How can I replicate a push campaign?You can easily replicate a push or an In-App automation.
Why can't I replicate my campaign?Follow these instructions if you tried to duplicate a campaign but something went wrong.
How to manage my In-App themes and use them for my campaigns?You can duplicate themes between your app to gain time building your In-App messages and Mobiles Landings.
How to create a push trigger automation?Here is everything you need to know before creating a trigger automation.