You can put a limit on the total number of notifications a user will receive in a specific time frame by going to Settings → Cappings and creating capping rules (know more here).
In fact, you can limit the number of push a user will receive during a specific period, with a very simple rule defining the maximum number of push in the last X hours/days.
All rules are dynamic, which means that rather than being a fixed push quota every X hours/days, Batch will check the number of notifications that have been sent in the last X hours/days to conclude if the push has to be sent or not.
You can also distinguish the rules between regular Campaigns and Transactional notifications to avoid your users not receiving important transactional messages.
🚧 Note: Batch uses the number of push notifications already sent to an install to determine whether the push should be sent or not. The number of push notifications sent to a specific install is counted in near-real-time. Campaigns sent very closely or at the same time may not be taken into account by the global capping feature.
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