In-App messages allow you to trigger a wide variety of actions when users click a button, including opening the default phone, SMS, or email app with a predefined phone number or email address. This can be done by using links such as :
tel:+00XXXXXXXXX: opens the default phone app. Users just need to press the call button to call the phone number included in the link.
sms:+00XXXXXXXXX: Creates a draft in the default SMS messaging app. Users only need to type a message and click "Send" to send an SMS to the linked phone number. Creates a draft in the default emailing app. Users only need to type a message and click "Send" to contact the linked email address
These links are handy to improve the user experience by redirecting them to the default apps and pre-filling the phone number/email address they need to contact, instead of asking them to copy-paste a value, and then open manually their phone/messaging app. Here is a quick guide on how to use these links in an In-App campaign or a Mobile Landing:
Creating a "Call" button in an In-App message
To be able to redirect users to their phone application you must:
Open or create a campaign
Go into the advanced settings and add the following format as a deeplink of the In-App message button:
Note: The "Open in app" and "Open in browser" options do not affect the redirection.
Depending on their device, here is what the redirect could look like once users click the "Contact Us" button:
Creating a "Text" button in an In-App message
Creating an "Email" button in an In-App message
To be able to redirect users to their email application you must:
Open or create a campaign
Go into the advanced settings and add the following format as a deeplink of the In-App message button:
Note: The "Open in app" and "Open in browser" options do not affect the redirection.
Depending on their device, here is what the redirect could look like once users click the "Contact Us" button:
Best practice
We recommend adding an emoji that clarifies the action that will follow in the CTA
Ex: ✉️ Contact us vs 📞 Contact us