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How do mobile push notifications work?Everything you wanted to know about iOS / Android push notifications but were afraid to ask.
Allowing users to unsubscribe from push notifications on iOSYou may want to offer your users a system to disable push notifications from your app.
Why is my device not receiving push notifications on iOS?Several issues may prevent your device or the device of someone in your team from receiving notifications on iOS.
How can I use Universal Links with Batch?
My APNS push certificate expired, what should I do?Batch servers need to have a valid certificate to communicate with Apple Push Notification Services. Follow that guide to create a new one.
Carthage fails to update 'ios-sdk'
How to show push notifications when my iOS app is in the foreground?Android and iOS handle push notifications differently when the app is already open.
Xcode 12 fails to build a project containing BatchFrequently encountered Xcode 12 issues and their fixes
Notification groups in iOS 12iOS 12 introduces grouped notifications, a new feature that keeps multiple notifications from the same app grouped on your lock screen.
Provisional authorization on iOS 12Provisional Authorization allows you to send trial notifications without receiving the user's consent first.
Supporting additional notification settings on iOS 12Starting from iOS 12, users can go directly to the settings of your app from a push notification to disable specific types of alerts.
Understanding and managing iOS 15 time-sensitive interruption levelHere is how to use iOS 15's time-sensitive interruption level to change the way notifications are presented to your users in Focus mode.