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How to improve my push open rate?

I want to optimize my app traffic using push notifications.

Antoine avatar
Written by Antoine
Updated over a week ago

Open rate is the main KPI to know if your campaign successfully engaged your users.

There are several keys to create a campaign that your users will open.

The targeting, the timing, and the content need to be customized to fit your audience. Usually, users prefer rich push (e.g. with an image attached) and like the wording to be short and illustrated with emojis.

Find some tips here to make sure your open rates always get better!

Target the right users

Batch offers you different targeting options to target your users using native or custom data:

πŸ’‘ Learn more about Smart Segments, Native and Custom Attributes, or Custom Audiences, in this article of our Help center: Which targeting options can I use to segment my user base?

Send your campaigns at the best time using the best delivery option

4 options are available on Batch: Now, Scheduled, Recurring or Trigger.

To know which delivery type is the best for your use case, read our article How to choose the best delivery option for my push campaign?

"Now" and "Scheduled" campaigns are in the Campaigns tab:

And "Recurring" and "Trigger" campaigns are in the Automations tab:

Wisely choosing the best time to send push notifications can increase traffic and boost engagement.

When is the right time? Find some tips in our article What is the best time to send push notifications?

Adapt your wording to the audience

Are you wondering if you should use a formal or familiar tone in your mobile communication? Learn how to use the A/B test feature in our dedicated article!

In addition to the message itself, you can also A/B test images and deeplinks!

Use emojis

Emojis are important but can also be overwhelming. Learn how to use

How to use emojis wisely in your messages?

Discover all the best practices in our dedicated article!

Attach an image to your push

You can easily improve your open rates by adding an image, GIF, or video to your push notification.

Don't know how to add images, videos, or gifs to your push? Here is the article you need: How can I attach an image, an audio, a GIF or a video to a push notification?

Personalize your messages using Dynamic Content

You can personalize your push notifications from the campaign editor using the data you have collected from your users. For instance, you can customize the name, the city, or the amount left in the pot's user.

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Discover how to do it in our dedicated article!

This feature is also available for In-App messages and works in a very similar way.

Here is our article dedicated to in-app dynamic content: How to personalize the content of my in-app message?

πŸ’‘ The Dynamic Content feature is available for the Enterprise plan and optional for other plans.

This article belongs to Batch's FAQ. Need more help? Find insightful articles, documentation, case & market studies, guides, and even more in our website's Resources section on and our blog.

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