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How to create your first web push campaign on the dashboard?
How to create your first web push campaign on the dashboard?

Need help creating your first web push campaign? Here are all the steps you need to take to send a notification to your users' browser.

Antoine avatar
Written by Antoine
Updated over a week ago

Here is how to create your first web push campaign step by step:

  1. Targeting: You choose to send a notification to all your users or to fine-tune the segmentation, through native or custom targeting;

  2. Scheduling: Send your notification as soon as it is ready, schedule it to send it later or create recurring push campaigns.

  3. Message edition: Edit the content of the campaign that will be sent to your users.

Before you start editing every aspect of your first web push campaign, you have to name it. Entitling your campaign is for internal purpose only, your end-user will never see it. So be as much explicit as possible so that you will easily find it and understand what is its purpose. You can also add up to 3 labels to your campaign based on the objective or the targeting of the campaign (see more here).

Step 1: Targeting

By default, Batch considers you want to target your entire audience.

You can add more conditions to your campaign in case you want to target users based on their country, language or on Batch Smart Segment. Click the "Add Conditions" to select more conditions such as the first or last visit date, a Custom Audience or any other custom data you are sending to Batch (e.g. premium customer status, last purchase date, subscription type, etc).

You can add up as many conditions as you want, create specific scenarios by clicking on 'And/Or' and even exclude some of your audience by selecting a condition and clicking on the 'Invert' button.

At the bottom of the Targeting block, you will find the "Estimated Reach" of your campaign. It is updated every time a condition is added or removed from the campaign.

Step 2: Scheduling

This is where you can choose when you want to send your web push campaign (know more here).

From the Campaigns page, there are 2 options to choose from:

  • Now: The campaign will be sent as soon as you save and turn it on.

  • Scheduled: The campaign will be sent on a specific date and time.

There are 2 other options from the Automation page:

  • Recurring: The campaign will be automatically sent on specified intervals with optional starting and ending dates. You can also add a frequency capping limit to limit the number of times a user will receive a push from that campaign.

  • Trigger: The campaign will be automatically sent after a specified action of a user. You can add specific cancellation events and a frequency capping limit too.

Step 3: Editing

Here is where you can type your message and enrich it with emojis and an image.


The title is mandatory for web push notifications. It will appear in bold in the notification. Make sure it is short (15-40 characters maximum) and punchy as this is the first thing your users will read.


Contains a description of your message. This is also where you can add emojis to draw attention to your message and help your users understand what your message is all about. We recommend that you write relatively short messages (e.g. 140-180 characters maximum).

Image (optional)

Images are supported on Windows 10+ and Android. The recommended format for the added image is a landscape layout with a 2:1 ratio with a minimum width of 300 pixels (see more here).

Always try directing your users to a specific page in your app when they click the notification. If you don't provide any deeplink, Batch will simply open the homepage of your website when users click the notification.

Note: You can add tracking tags to your deeplinks, such as UTM (for Google Analytics) or Xtor links (for AT Internet).

TTL (optional)

Stands for "Time To Live". This is an expiration delay meaning the notification won't be displayed if the device doesn't come back online within this time (more info on how to use it here).

Send a test

Before sending your first campaign, try sending a test notification to your browser. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add a test browser: Desktop/Android.

Now you are all set! You can either save your campaign as a draft or run it. After that don't forget to check your KPIs (see more here)!

This article belongs to Batch's FAQ. Need more help? Find insightful articles, documentation, case & market studies, guides, and even more in our website's Resources section on and our blog.

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