Set up complex flows in your Automations and split users based on a new targeting rule along the journey!
Imagine different scenario branches based on Profiles conditions and unlock a wide variety of sophisticated and personalised CRM scenarios without losing the simplicity of Batch Dashboard.
What is the Yes/No Split feature?
The Yes/No Split leverages all Profiles data to split the workflow into 2 branches:
Yes, people match the condition;
No, they don’t.
Then, you can send a different message or even a different type depending on whether the user matches or doesn't match the new rule.
Here the split will depend on whether users are opt-in to marketing emails or not. If they are, they'll get an email. Otherwise, they'll get an SMS message ✅
Let's see how to create a new branch!
How to use it?
Once you have chosen the trigger event, you can add the Yes/No Split at every step of an omnichannel trigger automation. Click on the + button and then select Yes/No Split:
Then, choose a new segmentation rule to set up the split and give it a name👇
💡 Be aware that entry event information cannot be used as split targeting rules.
By clicking again on the + you can add any message or even another split!
With this feature, automations can get a lot bigger: to get a better overview, use the mini-map representing the whole automation at the bottom right of your screen to navigate and zoom in and out in the automation.
You are now ready to create your own journey using the Yes/No Split feature ✨
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