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Everything you need to get started with Email Marketing: Guidelines, Sender authentication, Warm-up and more.
Email deliverability
All the resources needed to understand email delivery and optimize deliverability
Sender reputation & guidelinesGetting started with email deliverability and sender reputation3 articles
Sending structure: Subdomains & IPsKnow more on email authentication, Batch sending structure, and more.2 articles
Domain & IP warm-upKey resources to understand the email warm-up process and send your first emails successfully.11 articles
Subscribers managementGlobal subscribers management rules & best practices2 articles
How to send a transactional email with Batch?Need help creating your first transactional email automation? Here are useful insights and steps to follow.
How to create your first one-shot email campaign on the dashboard?Need help creating your first one-shot email campaign? Here are all the steps you need to follow.
How to create your first recurring email automation on the dashboard?Need help creating your first recurring email automation? Here are all the steps you need to follow.
How can I replicate an email campaign?You can easily replicate an email campaign.
How to split an Automation by targeting rules?The Yes/No Split feature enables multibranch automations. Get to know it and how to set it up with Batch
How to randomly split your users into groups in an Automation?The Random split feature enables multibranch automations. Get to know it and how to set it up with Batch
Basic email editionSee how to edit a subject, a preheader, and more.3 articles
URL & tracking managementEverything related to click tracking, universal links, and more.2 articles
Unsubscribe managementKnow more on how to handle unsubscribes.1 article
Email testingNeed help testing your email?2 articles
How to set up the general appearance settings of my email?The general settings of the Email Composer will help you save time when creating your campaign. Configure them before setting up your email.
How to add text and links to my email?Everything you need to know to add text and links to your email thanks to our Email Composer!
How to add and edit images in my email?Everything you need to know to use images in the Email Composer!
How to add a video to my email?Everything you need to know about video integration in your email from our Email Composer!
How to create an email banner?In this article, you'll find everything you need to know on how to create a banner for your emails, via to the Email Composer!
How to add a background to my email?In this article you will learn how to create a consistent design in your email.
How to add social media to your email?Learn how to add links to your social media with our Email Composer.
How to save modules on the email composer?Learn how to save a module to use it later or in another campaign.
How to add display conditions to your email?Learn how to condition the display of certain parts of your email according to your user data.
How to find a user's profile on the dashboard?Here is an article showing how to find the profile of a user in the Profiles tab of the Batch Dashboard
My email template file is not correctly uploaded on the DashboardThis article give you some suggestions if your email template cannot be uploaded correctly on Batch