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How to create your first email trigger automation on the dashboard?
How to create your first email trigger automation on the dashboard?

Need help creating your first trigger email automation? Here are all the steps you need to follow.

Olivia avatar
Written by Olivia
Updated over a week ago

Here is a short guide to help create your first email trigger automation on Batch following the 4 steps of the automation builder:

  1. Set up entrance: which event triggers the campaign, its lifetime, its target, etc;

  2. Manage the first delay and cancellation events: when to send the email and which event can cancel it;

  3. Compose your email: the content of the campaign that will be sent to the user;

  4. Add a second message sent after a delay.

First, start a new Email Trigger automation from the Automations tab and name it πŸ‘‡

Then, let's set up your trigger automation!

Automation settings

It is time to define when to send your automation and who to send it to!

Entry event

By clicking on the Select trigger frame a new modal opens. There, you will be able to choose the right trigger event and all the orchestration settings.

After selecting the right event, there are 4 settings:

  • Capping

The capping is the limit on the total number of entrances followed by at least one message sent to the user.

If you put β€œ2”, it means the user will not enter more than twice an automation that sent him at least a message.

πŸ”Ž More examples

If the capping is β€œ2” in an automation that has 5 messages steps:

  • case 1: the person enters, waits in a delay step and ends up being excluded from the automation by a cancel event before being addressed by a message, it’s not counted for capping.

  • case 2: the person enters once and receives 5 messages, it counts as β€œ+1”

  • case 3: the person enters and receives only 2 messages and then is excluded due to a cancel event, it counts as β€œ+1".

By clicking the toggle button you will be able to define that limit πŸ‘‡

  • Grace period

Use the grace period to set a delay in hours or days between entrance in an automation after exiting it. A user can exit an automation for two reasons:

  • Because of a cancellation event

  • He arrived at the end of the automation.

πŸ”Ž Note that if a user enters the automation but exits it before receiving any messages, we do not apply the grace period. So he could re-enter the automation right after exiting it if he triggered the event again.

  • Multi-trigger

By default, if the user fires the trigger event of the automation multiple times, it will be reset.

You may want to parallelize automation flows and allow the user to trigger several times the same automation. You can do that by activating the multi-trigger mode.

The multi-trigger mode allows you to trigger an automation each time the user fires the trigger event with a new event parameter (Ex: Trigger an email for each trip booked by the user based on the trip ID parameter). This ID must be one of the attributes attached to the event or the event label and can only be a String.

Click on the Done button to continue to set up your automation!


Click on the Targeting icon to display the targeting modal where you will define the segmentation of your campaign.

By default, Batch considers that you will target your entire audience. First, you can select a specific country or language.

Then, you can refine your segmentation by clicking 'Add Conditions'. From then on, you will be able to select native targeting elements (Email domain, etc.), but also profile attributes (data specific to your app business and selected thanks to the tagging plan).


You can add up as many conditions as you want, and create specific scenarios by clicking on 'AND/OR'.

Also, note that if you focus sendings on opt-in contacts (which will happen for all non-transactional use cases), the opt-in status will be checked before each email sendings, to make sure the user is still opted-in. If, along with an automation, the person opt-out, it will continue its progress but not be messaged (until the user potentially re-optin).

When you are satisfied, click on the Done button!


Click on the Timing icon to manage the lifetime of the automation by choosing specific starting and ending dates πŸ‘‡

Quiet hours

You can add a Quiet hours setting to specify a time slot during which the profiles in this automation won’t be messaged.

Click on the Quiet hours icon to choose the right timeslot :

Delay and Cancellation events

Now that you have successfully set up your trigger event, you can manage when to send your email and if you want to cancel the sending after the occurrence of chosen events.

  • Add delay

This is the time interval in minutes, hours, or days to wait to send the email. Batch will wait this amount of time from the chosen trigger date which can be either the date of the Trigger event or custom data attached to the event (ex: send an email 1h before or after said date).

The first delay can be conditional to a date passed in the event. For example, it’s possible to have in the event 1st January 2024 and set up a +3 days timer. Note that in that case, we’d not allow a longer than 64 days wait time as a default setup.

The first delay and all others can also be a simple delay of up to 30 days.

  • Cancellation event(s)

By clicking the toggle button you will be able to add one or several cancellation events πŸ‘‡

Users who trigger one of the cancellation events will exit the automation. You can use a custom event and apply filters based on additional event data (Label, Attributes, Tag collection).

Let's focus on your first message now!

Compose your email

Let's compose your email message!

First, you need to define your header information with:

  • the Sender which is the email address and name that will appear as the sender of the message;

  • the field Reply to (optional);

  • the Subject of your message.

Then, there are 2 ways to create the body of your email:

  • Design your message with our Email Composer

Batch allows you to create an email from scratch through our Email Composer. You'll find many articles about how to use it in the Email composer part of this FAQ πŸ‘ˆ

Capture+d’écran+2023-07-26+aΜ€+17.02.09.png (1448Γ—804)
  • Upload your HTML template

If you have a template ready to be used, you can upload it here! Follow the instructions in the article How to upload my email templates? πŸ‘ˆ

Capture+d’écran+2023-07-26+aΜ€+17.01.46.png (1440Γ—806)

Now you can add another step to your automation!

Add further messages and delays

Last but not least, you can add other email steps with delays after your first message by clicking on the + icon!

Clicking on it will automatically add a delay step followed by an email step. You can modify the delay and add a cancellation event by clicking on the timer button.

Note that it’s not possible to chain 2 email steps or 2 delay steps. Also, the maximum number of email steps is 10.

πŸ”Ž Point of attention:

Be careful of the behaviour of the automation in the case of multiple steps. If no multi-triggers mechanism applies and if the trigger happens again for a user already in the automation, it will restart and the user will restart from the beginning. Then, the grace period and the capping will not applied.

This behaviour will evolve shortly to treat this use case better.

Testing the automation

Now that your messages are written and ready to captivate your readers, you can test how it looks on your device!

Send a test

Use the Send test button on each email message window and type your email address πŸ‘‡

The email is immediately sent!

How to test the automation

If you want to test your automation from start to end, you have to use the Audiences condition.

First, create an Audience with all the Custom User IDs you want to target for your test. Once the audience is uploaded on the Settings > Audiences page, go back to your email trigger automation.

There, add a condition in the Targeting part of the orchestration, choose Audiences and pick your audience πŸ‘‡

You may now Save and Run your automation and trigger the event on your app to enter the automation!

πŸ’‘ Tips:

We recommend sending tests to different email clients (Apple Mail, Thunderbird, etc.) and mailbox providers (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, etc.) to make sure your message is well displayed on all of them.

Your first trigger email automation is now ready to be sent! Click on the 'Save & run' button at the bottom of the form to activate it or save it as a draft and come back later.

This article belongs to Batch's FAQ. Need more help?

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